Unlocking YOUR Champion Mindset – Group Coaching

6-Months of Coaching

How would you like to have total belief in yourself and play your best golf, in just 6 months?



  • Group Breakthrough  – Half Day
  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls
  • 12 Weeks to Triumph!
  • CORE Triumph! Journal
  • 30-Day Positive Start
  • Mid-Month Motivation Webinar
  • Group Breakthrough – 2-Hours

Unlocking YOUR Champion Mindset will:

  • Support you in releasing negative emotions that are stopping your from playing your best
  • Stretch your belief in the power of your mindset
      • Clarify your vision and goals to accelerate your progress
      • Stay focused, relaxed, confident, positive and in the moment throughout your round of golf
      • Allow you to feel inspired to put in the time and practice to be a champion
      • Move you towards having a champion mindset

You have the potential and you deserve to reach it! Do you still have doubts, negative thoughts and emotions, and anxiety that get in the way of your success on the golf course? It’s time to take your game to the next level by releasing the limiting beliefs in your unconscious mind.

The 6-month coaching program is designed to get your conscious and unconscious mind in alignment to make you unstoppable! Would you like to achieve all of the goals you set? Yes? Then join leading life changer,
Debbie O’Connell a Nuero-lingustic Programming and Time Line Therapy® Practitioner. This will allow you to erase every limiting belief, every seed of doubt, every fear of success or failure that is holding you back on and off the golf course.

Valued at $8,494

YOU PAY $3,497


30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

This breakthrough won’t work if you don’t work. But if for some reason you aren’t on your way to real success in the first 30 days, email us and we will take care of your refund!